Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Assembly Source File
203 lines
; This little program just prints a string to DOS using function 0300h.
; Then it allocates a real mode callback, calls the real mode callback from
; protected mode, and prints a string out of the protected mode callback
; routine. Not the standard usage of callbacks, but just to demonstrate.
STACKLEN = 400h ; size of stack in bytes
PMODE_TEXT segment para public use16 'CODE'
_TEXT segment para public use16 'CODE'
_TEXT ends
EXE_STACK segment para stack use16 'STACK'
extrn _pm_info:far, _pm_init:far
_TEXT segment para public use16 'CODE'
assume cs:_TEXT, ds:_TEXT
org 0
errmsgtbl dw errmsg0,errmsg1,errmsg2,errmsg3
dw errmsg4,errmsg5,errmsg6
errmsg0 db 'Not enough low memory!',13,10,36
errmsg1 db '80386 or better not detected!',13,10,36
errmsg2 db 'System already in protected mode and no VCPI or DPMI found!',13,10,36
errmsg3 db 'DPMI host is not 32bit!',13,10,36
errmsg4 db 'Could not enable A20 gate!',13,10,36
errmsg5 db 'Could not enter DPMI 32bit protected mode!',13,10,36
errmsg6 db 'Could not allocate needed DPMI selectors!',13,10,36
msg0 db 'Hello World from Protected Mode...',13,10
db 'Press any key to continue...',13,10,36
msg1 db 'Hello World from a Real Mode Callback...',13,10
db 'Press any key to exit...',13,10,36
align 4
regstruc_edi label dword
regstruc_di dw ?,?
regstruc_esi label dword
regstruc_si dw ?,?
regstruc_ebp label dword
regstruc_bp dw ?,?
dd ?
regstruc_ebx label dword
regstruc_bx label word
regstruc_bl db ?
regstruc_bh db ?,?,?
regstruc_edx label dword
regstruc_dx label word
regstruc_dl db ?
regstruc_dh db ?,?,?
regstruc_ecx label dword
regstruc_cx label word
regstruc_cl db ?
regstruc_ch db ?,?,?
regstruc_eax label dword
regstruc_ax label word
regstruc_al db ?
regstruc_ah db ?,?,?
regstruc_flags dw ?
regstruc_es dw ?
regstruc_ds dw ?
regstruc_fs dw ?
regstruc_gs dw ?
regstruc_ip dw ?
regstruc_cs dw ?
regstruc_sp dw ?
regstruc_ss dw ?
dataselector dw ?
push cs ; DS = CS
pop ds
call _pm_info ; get information
jnc short @@startf0 ; if no error, go on
mov si,ax ; print error message for code AX
add si,ax
mov dx,errmsgtbl[si]
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov ax,4cffh
int 21h
xor ax,ax ; check low memory and allocate low
mov cx,ss ; buffer needed for protected mode
mov dx,es:[2]
sub dx,cx
cmp dx,bx
jb @@startf1
mov es,cx
call _pm_init ; enter protected mode
jc @@startf1 ; if error, go to error message
mov dataselector,ds ; preserve data selector
push ds ; ES = DS for register structure
pop es
mov edi,offset regstruc_edi ; offset of register structure
xor cx,cx ; no parameters on stack
mov bx,21h ; call interrupt 21h
mov ax,300h ; INT 31h function 0300h
mov regstruc_ah,9 ; function code 9, put string
mov regstruc_ds,_TEXT ; set DS:DX for DOS string put
mov regstruc_dx,offset msg0
mov regstruc_ss,0 ; SS:SP = 0, PMODE will provide stack
mov regstruc_sp,0
int 31h ; do the call to real mode
xor ah,ah ; wait for keypress
int 16h
push ss ; ES = SS for register structure
pop es
sub esp,32 ; stack space for register structure
mov edi,esp ; EDI = offset of register structure
push cs ; DS:ESI = callback routine
pop ds
mov esi,offset callback
mov ax,303h ; INT 31h function 0303h
int 31h ; allocate real mode callback
sub esp,32 ; stack space for register structure
mov edi,esp ; EDI = offset of register structure
mov dword ptr [esp+2eh],0 ; SS:SP = 0 in register structure
mov [esp+2ah],dx ; IP is offset of real mode callback
mov [esp+2ch],cx ; CS is segment of real mode callback
mov word ptr [esp+20h],0 ; zero FLAGS in register structure
xor cx,cx ; no parameters on stack
xor bh,bh ; BH must be 0
mov ax,301h ; INT 31h function 0301h
int 31h ; call real mode callback
add esp,64 ; free stack space
mov ah,4ch ; exit to DOS
int 21h
lods dword ptr ds:[esi] ; get return seg:off from real mode
mov dword ptr es:[edi+2ah],eax ; stack, and update return address
add word ptr es:[edi+2eh],4 ; adjust SP in register structure
push es edi ; preserve register structure ES:EDI
mov es,cs:dataselector ; ES = main stream data selector
mov edi,offset regstruc_edi ; offset of register structure
xor cx,cx ; no parameters on stack
mov bx,21h ; call interrupt 21h
mov ax,300h ; INT 31h function 0300h
mov es:regstruc_dx,offset msg1 ; offset of new string, other fields
; were set previously
int 31h ; do the call to real mode
xor ah,ah ; wait for keypress
int 16h
pop edi es ; restore register structure ES:EDI
iretd ; done with callback
_TEXT ends
EXE_STACK segment para stack use16 'STACK'
db STACKLEN dup(?)
end start